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Pupil's competence in numeracy is excellent.

ISI Report 2022

At Aldwickbury, we see  Mathematics as a hugely important element of a boy’s development.

To this end our maths curriculum at Aldwickbury will:

  • Challenge all boys to meet high expectations set personally to their needs.
  • Engage with many different teaching & learning styles to motivate the boys.
  • Meet the needs of each boy as they progress through the years at Aldwickbury, cumulating in a successful passage into their chosen senior school.
  • Expose the boys to as many enrichment opportunities as possible outside of the curriculum, to enhance their enjoyment of mathematics.  

The basis of the syllabus follows the National Curriculum levels plus one year throughout the Pre Prep and Junior years of the school whilst the Common Entrance Syllabus drives the programme in the Senior years. Emphasis is played to the importance of the foundations of mathematics which are the building blocks to future success. High standards in focused endeavour result in maximised performance in the classroom, School entry tests and Common Entrance exams.

The department is made up of class teachers and subject specialists offering a broad and balanced learning experience. Input from the Learning Support team in class and on an individual basis ensure the needs of every boy are met.