The bursary procedure is designed to make it possible for boys who would benefit from an Aldwickbury education who would otherwise not be able to afford it to take up a place here. Means tested bursaries are offered on an annual basis to entrants from Year 3 upwards, to boys who show ability where the parents have indicated that they require financial support.
The parental financial situation is assessed using an independent company, this process will include a home visit. The level of support varies according to parental need; but can extend to full fee remission. Bursaries are offered for an academic year and are reviewed annually. The family will be required to provide up to date information about circumstances for every year that their son attends Aldwickbury. Levels of support may vary with fluctuations in family income. The Bursary Policy can be obtained from the school and is is available on the Policies website page.
Please contact the School on 01582 713022 for further details.