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Our Latin curriculum is taught for three/four periods a week to boys in Years 6-8.

Why do we learn Latin?

It helps when we study English: Latin had a massive influence on the formation of our own language. We can see where many of our own words came from… as well as French, Italian and Spanish ones. We can extend and enrich our appreciation and use of words.

It helps sharpen our minds. Being a logical subject Latin really makes us think and so train our brains. Working systematically and with great attention to detail can help us with a variety of modern challenges including computer science!

It gives us a thorough grounding in grammar enabling us to analyse sentences and understand the mechanics of language. We can see the structures of English from a different perspective and so understand and use them better.

We learn about the ancient civilisations which were most influential on our own culture. We can compare and contrast our modern attitudes.

When we get really good we can read Roman writers in the original text! That includes some of the greatest poets, satirists and playwrights in the western canon.